Graduation Information 2024
May 7-8: Senior Exams
May 10: Last school day for Seniors
May 10: Senior grades finalized and Honor Graduates announced by administration.
May 16: Senior Walk to visit Hinton Area Elementary, Talcott Elementary, Jumping Branch Elementary, and SMS Building. Wear your caps and gowns, but you don’t need to dress up. Bus will leave the school at 9:00 am.
-Following the Senior Walk, seniors will visit Bellepoint Park and have a traditional pizza party (estimated time is 12:00).
May 16: Graduation practice at 2:00. Please meet in the auditorium by 1:45. The final FAFSA raffle will happen at graduation practice. Must be present to win! Students will bet inclement weather tickets for guests during graduation practice
May 17:
Graduation ceremony will be at Garten Stadium on the campus of Summers County High School. Should there be inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to the gym.
Regardless of the venue, the ceremony begins at 6:00pm and seniors need to meet in the cafeteria by 5:15 pm. If graduation has to be moved inside, each graduate will be awarded 8 tickets. Students will be given inclement weather tickets at the end of graduation practice.
Information for graduates:
-You only graduate once. We do not want to put a strict dress code in place; however, PLEASE dress appropriately. You must wear a cap and gown. You want to look your best to represent your family and friends, your fellow classmates, your school, and yourself. Our suggestion is to stay away from sunglasses, t-shirts, jeans, dirty clothes, dirty shoes, work boots, or shoes that you cannot walk in. Administration will be checking for appropriate dress in the final lineup. They have the right to remove you from the line and not allow you to participate in the ceremony.
-You MAY decorate your cap. If anything on your cap is questionable, you will not be allowed to wear it for the ceremony. The most responsible thing to do is to only put something APPROPRIATE on your cap if you decide to decorate it.
-Also encourage your guests to dress appropriately as well. It is a special day. It is a formal event.
-If you throw your caps at the end, that is fine. You may lose them. They also come back down, so do so carefully. Write your name on the inside of your cap.
-If you show up under the obvious influence of drugs or alcohol, you will not participate in the graduation ceremony.
-PLEASE do not bring any items such as silly string, shaving cream, etc.
Information for guests:
-Graduates may invite as many guests as they would like if we have the ceremony at Garten Stadium (the football field).
-Seating based on arrival time
-Due to construction, parking on campus is limited, so please carpool as much as possible.
-There will be reserved handicap accessible seating available. ***Please let us know in advance if any of your guests require handicap accessible seating and/or wheelchair access.
Inclement Weather: SCHS Gymnasium. We will only move graduation to the gym under extreme circumstances. Guest tickets will be required for entry into the gymnasium.
-Guests will be reduced to 8 per graduate. Guest tickets will be required for entry into the gymnasium.
-Seating based on arrival time
-You will receive 8 guest tickets to be used if the ceremony has to be moved inside. If you need more tickets, contact your classmates who may have extra tickets. There are no “extra” tickets.
-Just because you receive tickets for graduation, does not mean you are graduating. If you have a failing grade after grades are finalized, you will be notified and you will NOT be walking across the stage.
-Tickets for kids??? Lap Babies- It is really best (for them) to leave them at home. However, lap babies don’t need a ticket. HOWEVER, people of any age or size who need a seat must have a ticket. So, if a child needs a place to sit, they count as a guest.
-There will be reserved handicap accessible seating available.
***Please let us know in advance if any of your guests require handicap accessible seating and/or wheelchair access.