From the Principal


To the Parents of JBE Tigers: 

I wanted to let everyone know that I have enjoyed being the new principal at JBE.  It has been great getting to know all the parents and students.  The students here at JBE work very hard and are engaged in class.  We, as a staff, are working very hard to provide them with the best education possible. 

We have had a lot going on at the school the past few weeks.  We have participated in the Homecoming parade to support the Bobcats. Staff and students created an awesome float that the students rode on.  Thank you to all of the teachers and parents that helped with that project.  The students really had a great time with that experience.

This year, we are implementing a new testing benchmark called AIMSweb.  Kindergarten through 2nd grades participated in this testing a couple of weeks ago.  This week, we have been doing state bench mark testing in grades 3-5.  

Tomorrow, October 12th, is Parent-Teacher conference day from 10-6 at the school.  We would like to invite all parents to come out and look over the testing data we have collected.  We will be providing dessert from 4:00 to 6:00 to anyone who attends at this time.   

Friday, October 13th, is counted as an instructional day.  Students will be provided work to do on this day that will need to be turned in to their classroom teacher.

Thank you,

David Pack